Even more Samsung Blackjack SGH-i600 Tips and Tricks

Hi gang,

I have a new list of goodies for your Samsung i600 – the only thing I can’t seem to solve yet is the WM5 Bluetooth DUN issue. For those of you who are unaware, Microsoft (in their infinite wisdom) have removed DUN [dial-up networking] from the Bluetooth Stack. The net effect of this is that things like TomTom can no longer access the phone as a data modem for traffic downloads etc… Really bloody annoying….

Anyway, some more top tips and software for you:-

More Codes

*#1546792*# – this code provide access to the Network & Call Settings – This allows you to switch off 3G functionality, which will considerably increase battery life if you don’t use your phone for data. Once in the menu, select 3, then 5 and then change to GSM

Ringtones from Storage Card

If you want to store all your ringtones on your memory card in order to save space, you can make it show them automatically by placing them in the \Storage Card\My Documents folder.


Registry Editing – Something we have to do from time-to-time in order to hack our little phones… well here is a nice free one for you; Total Commander [link]

Screen Capture – This freeware application from Iliumsoft lets you capture your screens so that you can show them in your blog [link]

Customising the Main Screen (Cardwheel Theme)

First, copy the following files from the Samsung and save them (make a backup copy as well!!!!!) – All are located in the \Windows folder on the Phone; background_320x240.bmp, center_tile.png, top1.png, top2.png, low1.png, low2.png, low3.png


Edit all the images, based on these rules;

Transparencies figure a lot in this template – use a decent editor like Photoshop or PaintShopPro 9/10

background_320x240.bmp – This is the main background when the screen is first drawn.

top2.png – First menu bar (Where it says ‘Now Playing’)
top1.png – Second menu bar (Where it says ‘Favourite Contacts’)
Both of these have different degrees of transparency set in the Alpha channels… Don’t mess with this! (Keep it the same on any new image)

center_tile.png – Main Card Area (Where is shows ‘Gmail’ and icons)
Ensure that this is a solid image (no Transparency) with hi-contrast to make the text show.

low1.png – 1st lower menu Bar (‘appointments’)
low2.png – 2nd lower menu Bar (‘profiles’)
low3.png – 3rd lower Bar – visible when card wheel scrolls
Again, both these images have transparency set in the alpha channels, which should stay the same on any edited image.

Once you have edited your images, change the theme, copy the files over the top of the originals (back them up first!) and then change the theme back to Card Wheel.



6 Responses

  1. PLEASE Help me to UNBRICK my i607. I loaded i600 software and it is doing only 50%. Cannot use as is. I will be in your debt if you can help me get it up and running forward, or if I have to go back to the branding software for i607, which I have. It will not connect through amy means and I do not know what to do!!!. PLEASE HELP ME!


  2. hi Paul,

    You’ve mentioned TomTom. I want to ask You how you scrolling in TomTom with Samsung i600? I’ve problem with setting up my GPS device (can’t scroll and select correct COM port)

  3. Hi ‘Amb’,

    I’m not running TomTom on the phone… I have TomTom Go 510 in my car, and I can’t get the BT DUN working (which I need for Traffic Updates). Based on that, I can’t really help you as I have no experience of running TomTom on the phone itself.

    Regards, Paul

  4. Hi Paul,
    Can you advise me where to get the flash file/modem driver that you have mentioned are needed fro the Orange debranding of the I600. After numerous searches I have failed to locate them.

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